KGroup 2

Pick up the Pace! New York??? El Paso??? Southwest Houston??? It's up to you to preserve your world!


Reflections of the process.ppt


Lesson Plan Authors:

1)Lorina Medrano - El Paso ISD

2)Billie Luna - El Paso ISD

3)Debbie Crawford - Lamar CISD

4)Helen Brown - New York City Region 4

5)David Witt - New York City Region 4

6)David Brancaccio - New York City Region 4





After researching their regional environments, students from diverse locations will compare and contrast various elements of their region such as weather, terrain, and animal life through presentations or challenges. Stemming from their gathered data, considerable debate will follow sharing concerns and possible solutions relating to issues on preservation of the respective environments.


Subject Area:

Social Studies/ Science


Intended Grade Level:

5th Grade


Curriculum Standards:

Patterns of daily, monthly and seasonal changes within an environment

Structures and systems of plants & animals that compliment environments

Interdependence of plants, animals & humans on one another within a system

Compare varieties of living species and their basic functions to maintain dynamic equilibrium

Explain how diversity of populations in an ecosystem relate to the stability of the ecosystem

Interpret the importance of perserving diversity of species and habitats

Identify ways humans have changed environments and the effects of the changes

Analyze environmental changes brought about by discoveries and innovations due to human adaptations or modifications to meet basic needs

Identify actions that require time for changes to be measurable

Predict future of innovations and how they could effect the environment and life of humans

Apply problem-solving & decision making skills to identify problems, gather relevant and accurate information to choose and implement a solution as well as evaluate the effectiveness of that solution






Guest Speakers (which could be shared in an informal video conference if desired)

Content specific books on regions - plants, animals, geographic information, weather information, environment

(these may include encyclopedias, library non-fiction, or primary documents from city agencies)


Pens, pencils, markers, or crayons

Paper - notebook paper, chart paper, construction paper

Any other props deemed appropriate or necessary by the students for conveyance of their information


Technology Used:

Digital Cameras

Polycam or other setup for Video conference


Laser printer


Type of VC connection: IP & ISDN


Target Time for Implementation: Fall semester


Length of Time: 7 - 9 weeks (see below)


Number of Video Conferences - 3 within this time period with approximately 2 wks of preparation/study for each

1st VC - Overview/presentation of respective regions (climate, terrain, or any other regional geographic info)

2nd VC - Animal Mystery Quest - prompting all groups to research animals native to the other regions

3rd VC - Panel Discussion & Debate - Issues related to preservation of environments (pollution, stripping of habitats, etc.)



Web Resources:


Assessment/Evaluation: (See additional documents)

Rubrics - Research skills & Presentation

Jazz Project geography presentation-1.doc

Jazz Project research rubric.doc


Student Outcomes:

Participants shall demonstrate appropriate research and presentation skills that convey accurate information related to their specific regional environments. Active engagement both physically and cognitively will reflect analysis of current environmental structures and related concerns or issues of the present time. Discussion between groups will focus on building a set of possible solutions that will impact the current patterns of environmental systems disruption that effect their future in this world.


Methods & Activities: (See additional documents for details of pre/post conference activities)


Guest Speaker

Virtual "Field Trip"


Independent Research

Hands on activities

Question Development




Video Conference Details (See additional documents)


Time: Each VC will take approximately 45 - 60 minutes


Agenda: Each site will rotate and have a turn facilitating. Attached is the agenda for each session.

Agenda day

Agenda day



Advertisement: (See additional document)
