JGroup 1

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"How Do You Slop Up The Gravy in Your House?"

Some cultures use bread in their cusine. Others cook tortillas and that is what they use in place of bread.


Due to time limitations and the age group of our students, this lesson needs to be stretched over two separate video conference times.

During the Fall harvest time periods, maybe during October-November.


Videoconference Agenda:

3 minutes Introduction to Activity

5 minutes Introduction of both classes

10 minutes Reading of book

5 minutes Presenting materials

15 minutes Making Tortillas or Bread

5 minutes Closing statements


Post Activities:

Debriefing with class

Thank you letter from class


We would send out an e-mail, or flyer, for advertisement.

First ones to sign up by the assign date and time will be those picked for consideration to participate.



-- Making Tortillas with the Little Red Hen



Objectives/Topics--Health, Sequencing, Repetition, Compare/Contrast, Phonics, Word Recognition, Predicting, Patterns, Picture Clues, Comprehension


Explanation—Students will be exposed to the books, The Tortilla Factory by Gary Paulsen and The Little Red Hen illustrated by Barry Downard.


Assessments—observation, group projects, class discussion, participation


Preparation Needed—Have the two books on hand, as well as baking ingredients for bread and tortillas. Discuss some differences in the cultures. Pre-conference communication between the two teachers.


Length of time—Two 30-40 minute periods, one session per week for two weeks.


Agenda for the connection—

Introduction (2-3 min.)

Read the book (5-7 min.)

Reread the book in the opposite language (5-7 min.)

Discuss materials involved in making bread or tortilla (5 min.)

Make the tortillas or bread (15-20 min.)

Teacher-led compare/contrast of two books (5-7 min.)


Dates/times—Fall during October or November




Connection information—Point to point connection


Names of people who created the project—Adrian Lopez (Temple), Sal Salazar (Temple), Darla Campbell (BCISD), Dianne Vawter (BCISD), Heidi Clark (BCISD), Laura Witten (BCISD), Pam Bontrager (BCISD)



If this project is open for others to participate in, include how to sign up. Include registration deadlines. Include also the number of classes that can participate - this would work best as a point to point connection.




The following links are here as extention tools and to assist teachers in planning the unit.







Tell us about the type of connection (i.e. is it open only to ISDN/H.320 schools or only IP/H.323 schools?).


Learner Outcomes

What state and/or national standards are you addressing? What are the curriculum benchmarks? What do you expect your learners to accomplish?


Standards and Benchmarks:



Students will…

R.WS.00.04 use grapho-phonemic (letter-sound) cues to recognize a few one-syllable

words when presented completely out of context. Begin to associate letters and sounds,

particularly initial and fi nal consonants.


Word Recognition

Students will…

R.WS.00.05 automatically recognize a small number (about 18) of frequently

encountered, personally meaningful words in print.

R.WS.00.06 make progress in automatically recognizing a few of the 220 Dolch basic

sight words.

R.WS.00.07 follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.

R.WS.00.08 narrow possibilities in predicting words using initial letters/sounds

(phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), and picture clues (semantic).

R.WS.00.09 know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level

reading and oral language contexts.



Students will…

R.WS.00.10 in context, determine the meaning of a few words, familiar and repeated

phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using

strategies and resources including picture clues, prediction, and other people.


Narrative Text

Students will…

R.NT.00.01 become familiar with classic, multicultural, and contemporary literature

recognized for quality and literary merit that represents our common heritage as well

as cultures from around the world.

R.NT.00.03 discuss setting, characters, and events in narrative text.


Informational Text

Students will…

R.IT.00.01 identify and describe the basic form and purpose of a variety of

informational genre including environmental text, concept books, and picture books.

R.IT.00.02 with teacher guidance, discuss informational text patterns including

descriptive and sequential.

R.IT.00.04 respond to individual and multiple texts by fi nding evidence, discussing,

illustrating, and/or writing to refl ect, make meaning, and make connections.



Students will…

R.CM.00.01 begin to make text-to-self and text-to-text connections and comparisons

by activating prior knowledge and connecting personal knowledge and experience to

ideas in text through oral and written responses.

R.CM.00.02 retell up to three events from familiar text using their own words or


R.CM.00.03 begin to make connections across texts by making meaningful predictions

based on illustrations or portions of texts.

R.CM.00.04 apply significant knowledge from grade-level science, social studies, and

mathematics texts.



Students will…

R.MT.00.01 self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to familiar text by

using simple strategies to increase comprehension including making credible predictions

based on illustrations.



Students will…

S.DS.00.01 engage in substantive conversations, remaining focused on subject matter,

with interchanges beginning to build on prior responses in literature discussions, paired conversations, or other interactions.

S.DS.00.02 briefly tell or retell about familiar experiences or interests focusing on basic story grammar or main ideas and key details.


L I S T E N I N G & V I E W I N G Conv Conventions

Students will…

L.CN.00.01 understand and follow one- and two-step directions.

L.CN.00.02 ask appropriate questions during a presentation or report.

L.CN.00.03 listen to or view knowledgeably while demonstrating appropriate social

skills of audience behaviors (e.g., eye contact, attentive, supportive) in small and large group settings; listen to each other, interact, and respond appropriately.

L.CN.00.04 begin to evaluate messages they experience, learning to differentiate

between sender and receiver.



Students will…

L.RP.00.01 listen to or view knowledgeably and discuss a variety of genre.

L.RP.00.03 respond to multiple text types listened to or viewed knowledgeably, by

discussing, drawing, and/or writing in order to reflect, make meaning, and make connections.


NUMBER AND Count, write, and order numbers OPERATIONS

N.MR.00.08 Describe and make drawings to represent situations/stories involving putting together and taking apart for totals up to 10; use finger and object counting.

Add and subtract numbers

N.MR.00.10 Create, describe, and extend simple number patterns.


MEASUREMENT Explore concepts of time

M.UN.00.01 Know and use the common words for the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and relative time (yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next year).


Explore other measurement attributes

M.PS.00.05 Compare length and weight of objects by comparing to reference objects, and use terms such as shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier.



Create, explore, and describe shapes

G.GS.00.02 Identify, sort, and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong in a particular group.


During the presentation Science aspects dealing with the cooking and the farming process are emphasized.

Social Studies standards are emphasized through discussions about friendship, cooperation, and jobs.


Methods and Activities

In class, pre-connection activities:

Introduce kids to partner state and culture

Browse books: The Little Red Hen & The Tortilla Factory

*Michigan teachers: spend some time doing activities with Spanish language and using a least a few Spanish words


Post-connection activities:

Reflect on language and books

Compare/contrast MI & TX (teacher will present information on each community for kids to use)


Retelling board

Opinion graph



Tortilla materials - Flour tortilla mix (White Wing Brand), water, mixing bowl, rolling pin, electric skillet, acess to an oven

Bread materials - frozen bread dough, frozen dough balls (rolls), muffin pan, butter, oven mitts, non-stick spray, plastic wrap, access to an oven

Misc. materials - plastic knives, butter, paper goods

Technology materials - Document camera


Videoconference Details.

Time: About how much time will it take? This lesson will take two 30-40 minute sessons

Video Conference Session one:

- Each class/teacher introduces themselves – including information about where school is located, etc…

- Texas teacher read Little Red Hen in Spanish

- Michigan teacher read Little Red Hen in English & go through bread-making process as they read. – Kids will get thawed frozen bread dough (teacher explains the Hen’s process has already taken place with the frozen dough) to form and bake & eat bread at both sites.


Video Conference Session Two:

- MI teacher read The Tortilla Factory in English

- TX teacher read The Tortilla Factory in Spanish & go through tortilla-making process as they read. Tortillas will get cooked & eaten at both sites. *Suggestion: each teacher should have separate tortilla dough and bread dough ready to bake (or already baked) in order to save time. *

- Teacher-led compare/contrast (Venn diagram) of the two books – getting responses from both groups.


Time Line Group 1