Jennifer Allen


Write Your Project Title Here

One If By Land...

(This project was created for a class, and is not yet open for participation.)



Project time frame

Two weeks to prepare the clues (once you sign up, together we will decide on what clue categories and questions will be required, and how they will be presented), 60 minutes for the video conference.


How to sign up

If interested, email me at  This is open to one class, first come, first serve. 

Must sign up by December 15, clue categories and questions will be decided on by January 15, video conference will take place sometime during the second and third weeks of February.




Open only to IP/H.323 schools.


Learner Outcomes


The learners will accomplish the following:

A better understanding of how to research and how to use various research materials

Other ways of representing their information other than just the written word (visual aids)

Knowledge of the people, places, and events of the American Revolution

Practice oral presentation skills

Verbally expressing your thoughts and ideas to others

Working productively in cooperative groups


Social Studies Standards and Benchmarks:


1.1.3 place major events in the early history of the United State in chronological order.


1.2.3 recount the lives and characters of a variety of individuals from the past representing their local community, the state of Michigan, and other parts of the United States

1.2.4 identify and explain how individuals in history demonstrated good character and personal virtue.

2.5.1 locate major world events and explain how they impact people and the environment

5.1.1 locate information using people, books, audio/video recordings, photos, simple maps, graphs and tables.

5.2.2 gather and analyze information in order to answer the question posed.

5.2.3 construct an answer to the question posed and support their answer with evidence.

5.2.4 report the results of their investigation.


English Language Arts GLCEs:


Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material.

1. Use reading for multiple purposes, such as enjoyment, gathering information, learning new procedures, and increasing conceptual understanding.

Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communication as they listen, speak,

view, read, and write in personal, social, occupational, and civic contexts.

1. Integrate listening, speaking, viewing, reading, and writing skills for multiple purposes and in varied contexts.

3. Read and write fluently, speak confidently, listen and interact appropriately, view knowledgeably, and represent creatively.

Content Standard 6: All students will learn to communicate information accurately and effectively

and demonstrate their expressive abilities by creating oral, written, and visual texts that enlighten

and engage an audience.

2. Explain the importance of developing confidence and a unique presence or voice in their own oral and written communication.

Content Standard 10: All students will apply knowledge, ideas, and issues drawn from texts to

their lives and the lives of others.

3. Use oral, written, and visual texts to research how individuals have had an impact on people in their community and their nation.

Content Standard 11: All students will define and investigate important issues and problems using

a variety of resources, including technology, to explore and create texts.

2. Identify and use the kinds of resources that are most useful and most readily available for the particular questions or topics they wish to investigate.

3. Organize and analyze information to draw conclusions and implications based of their investigation of an issue or problem

4. Using multiple media, develop and present a short presentation to communicate conclusions based on the investigation of an issue or problem.




Methods and Activities

Students will decide together on what type of format they will use to present their clues to the other school.  They will be required to use a combination of both verbal and visual clues. 



We do not have a document camera, so all of our visual aids will have to be done as posters.  Students will have clues prepared and written down when they come in for the program, and they will also have sheets to write down the clues from the other class.  Each school should also have access to research materials, textbooks, internet close by so that they can research the clues.


Videoconference Details.



Two weeks to prepare the clues (once you sign up, together we will decide on what clue categories will be required), 60 minutes for the video conference



Before the program:

The two teachers involved will come up with the clue categories and questions together.  The teachers will then describe the project to their students, place them into cooperative groups, and guide them through the process.  The students will be responsible for researching and answering the clue questions.  They will also prepare the visual aids, and decide what type of format they will use to give the clues to the other school.


During the program:

The teachers will do the introductions, and then turn the program over to the students.  The teachers will be facilitators, and will make sure everything is on time and runs smoothly.  The students will have the primary responsibility of looking up clue answers and deciding how to do that in their groups


After the program:

The teachers will “debrief” the students about how they think the program went.  What would they do differently?  What do they think they did well?  What do they think they could have done better?  What did they learn?



5 minutes:  Each teacher will introduce their school and location.  Students will introduce themselves as they come up to the camera to present their clues.  Host school will start.

15 minutes:  Each school will share their clues.  5 to 7 minutes per school.

20-30 minutes:  Each school will research to solve who the mystery American Revolution person is.

20 minutes:  Each school will present their answers and discuss them with the other school.  Students can also ask each other questions about problem solving process and why and how they decided on the person they picked.



Credit: This project was written by Jennifer Allen for the class Planning Interactive Curriculum Connections.

This project is based on the Mystery Quest program from the BCISD.


Feel free to include additional information required for state, national, or district lesson planning requirements.