Jeanne Carter

Traveling the Underground Railroad

In this project classes will take over one of the stops on the Underground Railroad (we will choose one path that slaves would have taken) ending in Canada.


Information would be sent to participating classrooms 4 weeks before the Video conference.


Classes would sign up via email to me – Jeanne Carter (


The project deadline is up in the air right now but the actual video conference would be held after Spring break most likely.


The number of schools would be open. The number of participating classes would determine the path of the Underground Railroad that we all follow.


Type of connection : either IP or ISDN.


Learner Outcomes : Students will delve into the Underground Railroad, learning more about the paths the slaves took while trying to reach freedom, the dangerous conditions they faced, and the people that helped them find freedom.


Methods and Activities : Packets will be sent out to teachers 4 weeks prior to the video conference after determining how many “stops” along the way there will be. The hosting class will be the “slaves” with the rest taking on the role of the stops along the way.


The “slaves” will do research on the dangers they would have faced along the way. The safe houses will research the area that they were in, what the terrain was like, where the slaves were hidden, and who the main conductor was in that area.


Ideally each class will create props and short reports so that when they come together for the video conference they can each share with each other what life was like.


The actual video conference would take one hour.


This project was created by Jeanne Carter for the class Planning Interactive Curriculum Connections.